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Dark Ӕclipse to concert with Katara and Mors Silens at Yellow Club in Bucharest

Dark Ӕclipse's second concert will take place on MArch 23rd at Yellow Club, opening for Katara who will be launching their album called "The End" Katara este o trupa de Melodic Death Metal care si-a inceput călătoria muzicala in 2014 în Arad, și care își ia numele din limba greaca insemnand “blestem”. Tema principala a trupei sunt “blestemele” de mai multe tipuri si vazute din mai multe perspective, adaugand scurte povesti prin versuri.Concertul din Yellow Club marcheaza lansarea albumul de debut al Katara numit “THE END”, care s-a lasat asteptat de ceva vreme, dupa lungi suferinte sau “blesteme” datorate modificarilor in componenta trupei. Materialul muzical este creat din suflet, “suferind”, un album conceptual cu multiple influente din sfera genului Melodic Death Metal. Mors Silens (Ungaria) Melodic Death MetalBack in 2014, the band was in for the competition for the Wacken Metal Battle's final (best 10), wich was selected from 66 local bands. Many festival such as " Death By Metal " and more gigging started, in clubs too.The first full length album was released in 2016 under the name: Call Of The Nether Realm.On that album was one song, called Collapse, wich we wanted to make a video clip on it, and a collaboration with Dóri Kreiszguest vocalist, were filmed back than.The band is currently working on a new album called " The World Of Pain " and it's in our plan that we release it in this year, along with many more news, shows, video clips. Invitatii; Trupa Dark Ӕclipse a luat ființă în 24 iulie 2013. Trupa a trecut prin mai multe schimbări de componență de-a lungul anilor, timp în care a susținut concerte alături de trupe consacrate, precum Taine, Ka Gaia An si E-an-na. Dark Ӕclipse revine în forță cu o componență proaspătă!

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